First Friday at 415Howe

Hello Folks and Friends of 415 Howe Ave!

On Friday, Feb. 1st we are hosting our first of what will hopefully be many, First Friday Events and we'd love for you to attend!

What is First Friday you ask? Wikipedia describes it as:

"First Friday” is a name for various public events in some cities (particularly in the United States) that occur on the first Friday of every month. These citywide events may take on many purposes, including art gallery openings, and social and political networking.

Our inaugural First Friday will be a casual, BYOB mix and mingle event, with music and perhaps open mic performances...we encourage anyone who is interested in performing to do so! We hope as the event continues to incorporate other forms of artistic expression and would love suggestions.

In the meantime, we hope to see you on Friday, details in the flier below.
